Warwick Figure Skaters proudly participates in the Learn To Skate USA Program.

This program is designed to teach the beginner skater all the fundamentals of figure skating while having fun on the ice.  It is designed to keep skaters enthusiastic from the time they first step onto the ice to begin their lessons until the time they reach their goal, whether you want to be an Olympic or national champion, compete in local competitions or just enjoy the recreational skating, the Learn To Skate USA Program is for you! Ice skating is a great way to have fun while doing something that is good for you – skating builds muscles, stimulates your heart and builds coordination and balance. You can do it with all your family and friends. It's a great sport no matter what your age and it's never to late to learn.

The objectives of this program are:

  • to provide a fun and safe skating experience for the beginner skater as well as the more advanced skater
  • teach correct technique of the basic elements of skating
  • develop a finer degree of balance and coordination
  • promote physical fitness
  • and HAVE FUN!!

As a member of our club's Learn To Skate USA program, you will receive

  • great instruction from our excellent coaching staff and:
  • an official U.S. Figure Skating Basic Skills membership card
  • a Learn To Skate USA Program book with fun stickers to track your progress as you continue to skate
  • official Learn To Skate USA membership
  • sports accident insurance coverage
  • general information about figure skating

Download this form for more information on the Learn to Skate schedule and sign-up.

Download this form for more information on how to register for Learn To Skate, using the WFS EntryEeze system.

Learn To Skate   



Visit the Learn To Skate USA website to get all the information you need to get started.